Friday, August 5, 2011

It's been awhile!

As you can see, I've been a bit lack in posting!  I've been busy.  I finished up the 31 Days to Clean challenge and have been trying hard to maintain the house.  Some days it's easier than others.  :/  I also discovered flickr.  It's my new obsession.  I love to quilt, though I am still fairly new at it.  I have joined a few groups and participated in my first QAL, which is what kept me from blogging.  I am now a part of a Rainbow Swap with Ellison Lane Quilts and am waiting for a response on a Color Wheel Charm Swap.  I am also a part of a few others and it's exciting to see the talent in the quilting world and how much I have to learn.  School will be starting up soon for my house which means that I am enjoying my quilting hobby until then when I will have to cut back on my involvement.  I am also hoping to teach some basic skills to my kids this year as Naomi has expressed some interest in sewing this summer.  Who knows, maybe her interest will reignite Mariah's, light up Thomas' and well, have a chain reaction.  Time will tell.  
Oh, here's a picture of my finished quilt from the QAL:

1 comment:

Becca said...

That's a great quilt! I tried to START a quilt once, our first Christmas together... I finally gave up on that one :( Good to see you have talent in an area you love! :) Enjoy the final days of summer!~


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